Wednesday, November 27, 2013

"FRITZ! Labor" – FRITZ!Box-Beta-Firmwares

  • Die 7390 ist zwar hardware-ausstattungs-mäßig nicht mehr das Flaggschiff, hat aber immer noch die modernste Firmware, nämlich die "06.00".
  • Die 7490 hat anscheinend noch Stabilitätsprobleme; man bekommt irgendwie häufig Beta-Firmware-Updates angeboten, die neueste ist die "05.60-27017". Ich leiste mir "gerade" den Kick, den Update meines Heim-Routers aus der Ferne anzustoßen.
  • Bin mal gespannt, wann die 7490 tatsächlich das Flaggschiff wird. Hätte irgendwie bisher keines der Alleinstellungsmerkmale der 7490 gegenüber der 7390 gebraucht, aber durch die kleine Austauschwelle konnte ich den Haushalt von Sohn #2 mit einer 7270 versorgen, mit der sich seine tägliche Internet-Zugriffszeit wesentlich besser regulieren lässt als mit dem alten DSL-Minimal-Router.

Perl modules to deal with config files à la "Java Properties": Config::Properties and Config::Properties::Simple

a Perl module helping to validate subroutine parameters: Params::Validate

I will consider employing this module sooner or later. And Perl::Critic as well …

Monday, November 25, 2013

"blur Exchange": yet another IT project market

I have no idea, how useful it is resp. for which side. I received a message on LinkedIn, and I thought, I might bookmark it here.

Saturday, November 16, 2013

installing Oracle "Java SE for Embedded" on a Synology NAS

I think, I will use his description for setting up Java on my Synology NAS (resp. NASs), so that I can run the Hibiscus Server (implemented in Java) on them. My NAS at home has plenty of Internet bandwith available, so that I can get my bank account transactions updated over the Internet quite often each day.

Oracle's description on "Oracle Java SE Embedded Downloads":

For the DS112+ I chose the "ARMv5 Linux" entry "successfully". The ARMv6/7 and ARMv7 entries did not run at all. 

For the DS213+ I chose the "Power Architecture Linux - … - e500v2" entry "successfully".

Friday, November 15, 2013

Hibiscus Payment Server – HBCI banking

With the hibiscus-server running on (let's say) your current machine at port 8080 (AKA https://localhost:8080), you have a few rather useful services available:

I would love to see this running on my Synology NAS at home with plenty of Internet bandwith available, so that I can get my bank account transactions updated over the Internet a few times each day.

These days Synology does not supply Java on their devices – I assume, they do not want to get officially bothered with Java difficulties on their devices. But still here I found a description of how to install Oracle Java SE on a Synology NAS:
Wth the "https://localhost:8080/webadmin/rest/hibiscus/konto/…" REST services listed above I get hold off account data rather, rather easily like this:
$ curl --sslv3 --insecure \
    --user jameica:PASSWORD \
Now I prefer developing software using Perl, and I will make use of the JSON lists in Perl, and that should be rather easy. I think, I am going to abandon my web-scraping scripts in Perl, once all this is in place. Web-scraping banking web-sites is a rather tedious business, whereas HBCI is a confirmed banking standard in this country (Germany), and I consider the Hibiscus Server as a rather either way to deal with the HBCI Moloch AKA FinTS.


Thursday, November 14, 2013

wiki URL shortening with MediaWiki and Apache

I would really like to achieve that with my recently set up wiki, but so far to no success.

Apple just suggested, that I should update X11 on Mavericks

I would love to do it immediately, but I guess the DMG is big and I shouldn't do it through mobile phone Internet.

SEPA = Single Euro Payments Area

No Starch Press book: Perl One-Liners

Perl One-Liners:
Perl One-Liners
Perl One-Liners showcases 130 short and compelling lines of code that do all sorts of handy, geeky things.
read more

No Starch Press book: Ruby Under a Microscope

Ruby Under a Microscope:
Ruby Under a Microscope
Ruby Under a Microscope gives developers a fascinating, behind the scenes look at Ruby's core.
read more

changing Perl code I inherited

  • Created a subMain.
  • There were a lot of "my"-s outside any subroutine, moved them as "our"-s to subMain – not the same visibility, I know. 
  • Outside subMain these "our"-s need to get accessed as "main::…".
  • But actually we don't like global variables at all, so pass them as parameters or …

if I needed very nice notebook hardware to run Linux: MALIBAL Nine X570SE

Zarafa is the name of a European open source groupware application

Would be interesting to run it
  • on a (Synology) NAS – "busybox" on a variety of CPUS
  • or on a Raspberry Pi – e.g. Debian Wheezy
  • or …

Synology DSM 3rd party packages – this list does not show the platforms the packages are available on
E.g. is only available on ARM and x86 based platforms, and the list doesn't say that.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

migrated a Korn shell script using "Extended Pattern Matching" to bash

I had to "shopt -s extglob" for that.

I inserted the shopt line rather close to the case statement, where the Extended Pattern Matching gets employed. That was inside a loop. That had no effect, but it didn't say so. I rather threw some weird error messages. I reduced the code around the causing line to its minimum, occasionally moved the shopt to outside the loop, and it worked. If it had only been that straigt …

SSH: if your public keys do not get accepted by the remote side, but (you think) they are in your remote authorized keys file, …

… check, whether the remote side considers authorized_keys or authorized_keys2:
# supposedly only one of them exists:
$ fgrep AuthorizedKeysFile /etc/ssh/sshd_config /etc/sshd_config
AuthorizedKeysFile .ssh/authorized_keys
This is certainly just one possible reason, if public keys do not get accepted by the remote side.

For a couple of weeks I got asked the remote password instead, and I did not understand why. My local public key was properly listed in the remote .ssh/authorized_keys2, but only today I took the time to investigate the issue, and I got reminded of this well-known reason: my remote .ssh/authorized_keys2 simply did not get considered at all. The remote ssh looks at my remote .ssh/authorized_keys, because it got set up like that – see above!

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Synology® Releases Its Latest 2-Bay High Performance NAS for Small Business – The DS214+

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

the bash's "nullglob" is rather nice to use

w/o this command line:
$ shopt -s nullglob
a glob pattern, that does not successfully evaluate to existing file names, gets literally resolved to a file name identical to the glob pattern.
With the above command line executed already, this command line will print file infos of /etc/passwd and ignore the unsuccessful other two glob patterns:
$ ll /etc/passwd /etc/passwd? /etc/passwd??
In interactive mode you may want to see the error messages, within a shell script supplying all three parameters to a "for f in …" loop, you will want the unresolving ones to get ignored.
$ for f in /etc/passwd /etc/passwd? /etc/passwd??; do echo $f; done
Well, at least in my script today I found this option rather useful.

I tried to find something comparable in the Korn Shell, but I wasn't successful.

"Synology unleashes its most affordable 2-bay NAS ever, the DS214se for $160" says 9to5toys

You may want to compare the specs of the DS213+ and the DS214se. I still quite like to own the DS213+.