Tuesday, June 29, 2010

jobs.perl.org needs a couple of changes -- let's start brain storming!

For me as a freelancer it's very clear:
  • There must be separate feeds for freelance and salaried staff.
  • There should be an opportunity of commenting on the job postings, e.g. if the original poster doesn't close the job, it makes sense to get that information from somebody else, maybe from somebody who was somehow involved. Yes, that cannot happen anonymously.
What else?

Yes, I tried to contact Ask Bjørn Hansen at ask(AT)perl.org before I started this here, but to no success.


Anonymous said...

em, a new design?

Steven Haryanto said...

One of my complaints would be with the RSS. The summary should perhaps be more complete, so I don't have to do additional clicks to read the actual job posting (I usually read through Google Reader on my cell phone).