Saturday, August 7, 2010

APRESS.COM : Writing Perl Modules for CPAN : 9781590590188

APRESS.COM : Writing Perl Modules for CPAN : 9781590590188

The book is not spick-and-span, but IMHO just as Perl itself red-hot.

When I held that paper book in my hands again this evening, it came to my mind, this would make a rather interesting topic for a course - no sooner said than done! (indeed!)

Had a look at the link quoted above, and I found, that they give away the PDF for free - they say. The link is actually unfunctional. Dropped them a note, Sam Tregar (the author) on Cc. And within a couple of minutes the PDF was in my Inbox. Automagically. I liked that a lot!

I guess, they will correct that broken link sooner or later.

The presentation is complete, 1st approach at least.

That means: I can give you 90 min. presentation (+/-) within the next couple of weeks, either in Berlin - or wherever here in Europe and Israel (if you cover the costs). Languages for the presentation: German, English, French, and Hebrew (if I try hard enough).

In Berlin I fancy nice locations like (arond Moritzplatz)  or Hotel Steigenberger in the West-City (actually just around my corner), that would cost everybody just a couple of Euro.

This is the Doodle poll for fixing day and time for this presentation in Berlin:

Whoever thinks, s/he would like to participate in a 2-days course (Europe and Israel): you can leave a comment here. I promise: the price for it is far below the usual prices on the market.

There will be more Perl presentations and courses, have a look there now and then!

But there will also be a full bandwith of other interesting topics here as well.

The name is Aleph Soft Education.

I am quite sure, rather sooner than later we will have well-known names as lecturers here in Berlin, in Europe and Israel.

1 comment:

Phillip Smith said...

Just FYI, the download page for the ebook is: