This call monitor is a FRITZ!Box call monitor, it does not monitor the calls on my smartphone yet (which is rather, rather sad). Most of the year (for economical reasons) I should sit in a customer's office quite a little away from my place – receiving calls on my smartphone. So it makes much sense to get my call monitor software to monitor the calls on my smartphone one day (rather sooner than later).
Just recently (with the help of RVM) I delved into the the jruby world, and of course I am trying to run my call monitor software also with "jruby --1.9".
My current problems with "jruby-1.6.0.RC2 --1.9" are with I18N and encodings, so I cannot open my gmail address book with "r:UTF-16LE:UTF-8". My evasive strategy is to let it read a UTF-8 version of it.
The ruby CSV module, that parses my address book using regular expressions, seems to give the runtime system yet unseen tasks.
Maybe I am not too far away from running a slightly adapter version of my call monitor in jruby and therefore on a JVM.
Of course, IronRuby (a .Net ruby implementation) is also an option.
There are not that many different smartphone operating systems, that run JVM-s, so we are mainly talking about Android.
Does Android allow non-core software to (sort of) monitor the incoming and outgoing calls?
Once jruby successfully runs my call monitor, the way is free to go for an Android implementation. I am rather hot for it.
Update 2011-03-07:
After a couple of postings on and especially with the support of Thomas E. Enebo, my software now runs just as well with the very, very latest jruby, that I produced through "rvm install jruby-head".
Update 2011-03-28:
Now it runs reading the XML Google Contacts, which is more comfortable, as I can download it on the command line.
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