Friday, August 26, 2011

fill up your stock of business cards: sth. important to do, before you start a new project away from home

Munich, I'm almost on my way, do you hear me?!

I will miss
  • the active Ruby / RoR community,
  • the just starting Clojure community,
  • the Android (user) community (that I was about to join),
  • son#2 (I already miss having him around!!!),
  • the S.O. (of course),
  • my home office (with my printers and my scanner) and the pleasureful silent days there,
  • and my own bed.
Alright, I will gain reading and relaxing time in the train (at least on my way back to Berlin), but I have no idea yet, how bad the trips on the train to Munich will get. Deutsche Bahn just announced, the trip Berlin-Munich will take 1 hour longer (until Monday (2011-08-29)), because they will cut trees 30 meters to the left and to the right because of last winter's damages.

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