Monday, January 16, 2012

testing the NetworkedBlogs blog-2-facebook gateway

I wonder, whether this will work. is the Facebook app, that does the "blog to Facebook" transfer.

The idea is, to finally reduce the number of articles on this blog shown on "my Facebook" by labeling an article with a certain label, and would only see the articles from an RSS "sub-feed".

The NetworkedBlogs Facebook app takes

  • a "Blog Link"
  • and also a "Feed Link".
The Blog Link itself can be restricted on a particular label (like "show-on-Facebook"), the Feed Link can not, as described below.

On the RSS XML
  • each blog article corresponds to an entry element,
  • each entry element has a couple of category sub-elements, corresponding to the article's labels,
  • the label being the value of the term attribute of a category element.
There are no such sub-feeds on (itself).
It shouldn't be that difficult to create a filter to provide such sub-feeds, but right now my duties do not allow me to work on this. I am sorry.
That filter would just pass through all 1st level sub-elements (actually sub-trees), just restricting the entry sub-elements on those, that have a category sub-element with term="show-on-Facebook" (e.g.).

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