Friday, July 9, 2010

want to get signalled, when a command line job on your computer is done?

I have a long list of cpanm jobs,
don't want to put them in a batch all toghether,
and want  to get signalled, when each of them is done:
$ while true; do beep; done
In my case the beep is acutally just the flashing of an xterm window.

Yes, notify-send is far, far, far superiour, growlnotify on OS X.
Thanks for the pointers!


Chas. Owens said...

On Linux, you can use notify-send to pop up a little message on the desktop (see

On OS X, I use growlnotify to do the same thing (see

Steven Haryanto said...

Btw, alternatively, some terminal emulators (like Konsole, and I think gnome-terminal too) offer activity monitor feature, which can flash the terminal tab or display a notification whenever there's new activity on the terminal.

JH said...

we are learning every day!
thanks, guys!!!