Friday, January 3, 2014
Thursday, December 26, 2013
Monday, December 23, 2013
problems with fink and latest Xcode on Mac OS X
search for gcc_selected on that page!
search for gcc_selected on that page!
Thursday, December 19, 2013
differences between Bourne shell, Korn shell, C shell, and bash :
Always wondered what is the difference between these four shells? Here's the answer. …
Korn shell,
The Shell Programming Language
just downloaded Avishai Cohen's 2001 album Unity
Certainly: I properly paid for it. And yes, I got it from Az. I was so surprised to find it there.
- I am still missing his 1991 album Devotion,
- and his 2007 album "As is...Live at the Blue Note",
- and his 2008 album "Sha'ot Regishot", in English: "Sensitive hours".
And I also edited the above wikipedia article a little.
musician Avishai Cohen
Wednesday, December 18, 2013
XML Press: DITA for Practitioners Volume 1: Architecture and Technology
A comprehensive guide to DITA for implementors.
- – companion website
publishing software,
XML Press
shell code and useless use of "ls *.tar"
Consider this code (I came across such Korn shell script code recently):
Please forgive me the naming here! I was happy to take this note anyway.
TARFILE=$(ls -1 /tmp/*.tar)According to you ought to replace the ls with a glob, e.g. like this:
[[ -s /tmp/*.tar ]] && set -A tarfiles /tmp/*.tarInstead you may want to enquire ${#tarfiles[@]}, i.e. the number of files globbed.
for TARFILE in "${tarfiles[@]}"
: # ...
Please forgive me the naming here! I was happy to take this note anyway.
Monday, December 16, 2013
"topic-oriented authoring" with "DITA" = "Darwin Information Typing Architecture"
DITA for Print (A tutorial introduction to the DITA Open Toolkit FO/PDF stylesheets):
DITA for Practitioners Volume 1: "Architecture and Technology" (comprehensive guide to DITA for implementors):
- – "DITA for Practitioners Volume 1"'s companion website
- …
publishing software
O'Reilly Media book: Raspberry Pi Hacks
HACK 05: Monitor the Raspberry Pi Hardware
HACK 08: Get More USB Ports: bus powered USB hubs vs. externally powered USB hubs, backpower
HACK 21: Build a Cross-Compiler Toolchain; on openSuSE:
- $ sudo zypper install gcc gcc-c++ bison make ncurses-devel texinfo flex gperf libtool sed subversion gmp-devel libstdc++-devel; # there is no libstdc++-static
- instead of crosstool-ng-1.18.0.tar.bz2 I got crosstool-ng-1.19.0.tar.bz2
- completed building crosstool-ng like this: $ sudo make install
- $ mkdir /usr/local/cross-sandbox && cd /usr/local/cross-sandbox
- set prefix directory to /usr/local/x-tools/${CT_TARGET}
- $ env -u LD_LIBRARY_PATH ct-ng build # because it does not like LD_LIBRARY_PATH set
- *** I am stuck here ***
my current reading list,
Raspberry Pi
"radio has been denied Superuser permissions" – keep getting this message after rooting my Galaxy S 2
Apart from pushing the radio out of the task manager's list (i.e. killing the command), I have not found means against this yet.
Samsung GT-I9100
Saturday, December 14, 2013
"Useless Use of Cat" Award, "Useless Use of …" Award, …
Rather reasonable and entertaining reading as the same time.
In the future I will certainly refer people to his page, whenever I will happen to find an opportunity.
Thursday, December 12, 2013
English grammar/writing: use of "present perfect" as opposed to "past tense"
… . The choice of present perfect or past tense depends on the frame of reference (period or point in time) in which the event is conceived as occurring. … . If the frame of reference extends to the present time, the present perfect is used. … . If the frame of reference is a time in the past, or a period which ended in the past, the past tense is used instead. …The use of present perfect resp. past tense is quite different (as described above [link]), and German native speakers confuse their use in English a lot; by my experience they rather resist accepting the difference and applying them properly in English. (This is rather annoying.)
Wednesday, December 11, 2013
O'Reilly Media book: Raspberry Pi Cookbook
- …
- $ sudo apt-get update
- $ sudo apt-get upgrade
- reboot afterwards
- …
- 2.6. Connecting with a Console Lead (using a serial terminal connection and a remote login program like "cu" AKA "call unix" or kermit)
- 2.9. File Sharing on a Mac Network (using netatalk)
- 2.10. Sharing the Pi Screen on a Mac (using VNC)
- 3.6. Editing a File (using the nano editor)
- 3.15. Making a Screen Capture (using scrot)
- 3.16. Installing Software with apt-get
- 3.17. Removing Software Installed with apt-get
- 3.26. Listing Connected USB Devices (using lsusb)
- 4 Software
- 4.3. Installing other Browsers (chromium-browser, iceweasel (Firefox))
- 4.4. Using the Pi Store [link]
- 13.4. Displaying Messages on an Alphanumeric LCD
- …
Raspberry Pi
O'Reilly Media book: Getting Started with Raspberry Pi
- $ sudo raspi-config
- $ cat /proc/version
- $ cat /proc/cpuinfo
- – Raspberry Pi Wiki
- the Scratch programming language [wiki] – an educational programming language
- the Arduino microcontroller development platform
- it has general purpose input and output pins right on the board
- …
Raspberry Pi
NFS and bad response times – did you set actimeo=0 ?
You should rather not and leave the set-up with its defaults.
actimeo=0 disables file and directory attribute caching. Only use it like this, if there are very good reasons for it.
actimeo=0 disables file and directory attribute caching. Only use it like this, if there are very good reasons for it.
is "Raspi" the "right nickname" for the Raspberry Pi?
Even knows that name (""), so maybe it's at least quite usual.
Raspberry Pi
headless Raspberry Pi (on my desk)
It's fun to see the Raspberry Pi running headless on my desk.
As described earlier, I set up my Raspi back at home with a screen (connected via HDMI/DVI), a keyboard, a mouse, and attached via eth0 (AKA LAN), later also via wlan0 (AKA wifi).
Now I would like to boot it in "headless mode". My wifi router's ESSID is different here. I start with a LAN connection. It's amazing: I runs w/o my intervention w/o screen, keyboard, and mouse. And I can connect to it with ssh through the network.
So the challenge is to add another wifi access point with its details. I found everything I needed here:
As described earlier, I set up my Raspi back at home with a screen (connected via HDMI/DVI), a keyboard, a mouse, and attached via eth0 (AKA LAN), later also via wlan0 (AKA wifi).
Now I would like to boot it in "headless mode". My wifi router's ESSID is different here. I start with a LAN connection. It's amazing: I runs w/o my intervention w/o screen, keyboard, and mouse. And I can connect to it with ssh through the network.
So the challenge is to add another wifi access point with its details. I found everything I needed here:
- I create the new wpa_supplicant.conf entry (on stdout) using the wpa_passphrase command.
- I add it to /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf .
- I add "auto wlan0" to /etc/network/interfaces .
- After "/etc/init.d/networking restart" or a reboot (w/o a connection through eth0) everything is fine.
Before (and after) modifying configuration files I always create backup copies of them using my utility (resp. create_snapshot.txt). Works on my Linux-s and AIX as well. Initially it was a Korn Shell script, now it's a bash script.
Now the Raspi could join my UMTS router and my NAS sitting in the "black box" below my desk (in the office at my customer's site). Well, if it sits there, it can also be connected via eth0 as well. But now being connected through wifi , it could just sit anywhere within the "realm" of my wifis. But I still enjoy this discreet white box on my desk.
Added these two lines to my ~/.ssh/config :
Now the Raspi could join my UMTS router and my NAS sitting in the "black box" below my desk (in the office at my customer's site). Well, if it sits there, it can also be connected via eth0 as well. But now being connected through wifi , it could just sit anywhere within the "realm" of my wifis. But I still enjoy this discreet white box on my desk.
Added these two lines to my ~/.ssh/config :
Host raspberrypi
User pi
That allows you to "ssh raspberrypi" instead of "ssh pi@raspberrypi".
Adding your "public key" to ~/.ssh/authorized_keys also helps logging in the "private / public keys way" instead of supplying a password.
Linux networking,
Raspberry Pi
O'Reilly Media book: Relational Theory for Computer Professionals
Relational Theory for Computer Professionals: 
There are literally hundreds of books on relational theory or the SQL language, or both. But this one is different. First, nobody is more qualified than Chris Date to write such a book; Ted Codd, inventor of the relational model, and he were colleagues for many years, and his involvement with the technology goes all the way back to the time of Codd’s very first papers, in 1969-1970. Second, most books try to use SQL as a vehicle for teaching relational theory, but this book very deliberately takes the opposite approach. Its primary aim is to teach relational theory as such.

There are literally hundreds of books on relational theory or the SQL language, or both. But this one is different. First, nobody is more qualified than Chris Date to write such a book; Ted Codd, inventor of the relational model, and he were colleagues for many years, and his involvement with the technology goes all the way back to the time of Codd’s very first papers, in 1969-1970. Second, most books try to use SQL as a vehicle for teaching relational theory, but this book very deliberately takes the opposite approach. Its primary aim is to teach relational theory as such.
relational databases
O'Reilly Media book: Industrial Internet
Industrial Internet: 
Consumer networks have revolutionized the way companies understand and reach their customers, making possible intricate measurement and accurate prediction at every step of every transaction. The same revolution is underway in our infrastructure, where new generations of sensor-laden power plants, cars and medical devices will generate vast quantities of data that could bring about improvements in quality, reliability and cost. Big machines will enter the modern era of big data, where they’ll be subject to constant analysis and optimization.
The promise of the industrial Internet is that it will bring intelligence to industries that are capital-intensive and create broad value that all of the industrial Internet’s participants will share.
This report examines the industrial Internet across several industries. It describes both near-term efforts as well as the longer-term development that will emerge as software and machines further integrate.

Consumer networks have revolutionized the way companies understand and reach their customers, making possible intricate measurement and accurate prediction at every step of every transaction. The same revolution is underway in our infrastructure, where new generations of sensor-laden power plants, cars and medical devices will generate vast quantities of data that could bring about improvements in quality, reliability and cost. Big machines will enter the modern era of big data, where they’ll be subject to constant analysis and optimization.
The promise of the industrial Internet is that it will bring intelligence to industries that are capital-intensive and create broad value that all of the industrial Internet’s participants will share.
This report examines the industrial Internet across several industries. It describes both near-term efforts as well as the longer-term development that will emerge as software and machines further integrate.
O'Reilly Media book: The New Kingmakers
The New Kingmakers: 
The New Kingmakers documents the rise of the developer class, and provides strategies for companies to adapt to the new technology landscape. From recruiting to retention, it provides a playbook to work more efficiently and effectively with the most important members of your organization.

The New Kingmakers documents the rise of the developer class, and provides strategies for companies to adapt to the new technology landscape. From recruiting to retention, it provides a playbook to work more efficiently and effectively with the most important members of your organization.
Tuesday, December 10, 2013
O'Reilly Media book: Jump Start Sinatra
Jump Start Sinatra: 
This short SitePoint book provides readers with a fun and yet practical introduction to Sinatra, a framework that makes web development with Ruby extremely simple. It's not intended to be a completely comprehensive guide to the framework or an in-depth Ruby tutorial, but will quickly get you up to speed with Sinatra and give you the confidence to start experimenting on your own.
The book is built around a real-life example project: a content management system. It's a fun and easily understandable project that is used to demonstrate the concepts outlined in the book in a practical way.
This is a clear, approachable and very easy-to-follow book that will get you to to speed with Sinatra in no time.

This short SitePoint book provides readers with a fun and yet practical introduction to Sinatra, a framework that makes web development with Ruby extremely simple. It's not intended to be a completely comprehensive guide to the framework or an in-depth Ruby tutorial, but will quickly get you up to speed with Sinatra and give you the confidence to start experimenting on your own.
The book is built around a real-life example project: a content management system. It's a fun and easily understandable project that is used to demonstrate the concepts outlined in the book in a practical way.
This is a clear, approachable and very easy-to-follow book that will get you to to speed with Sinatra in no time.
The Ruby Programming Language
Rocky Nook book: Improving the Test Process – Implementing Improvement and Change - A Study Guide for the ISTQB Expert Level Module
Improving the Test Process: 
This book covers the syllabus for the Improving the Test Process module of the International Software Testing Qualifications Board (ISTQB) Expert Level exam.
To obtain certification as a professional tester at the Expert Level, candidates may choose to take a course given by an ISTQB accredited training provider and then sit for the exam. Experience shows that many candidates who choose this path still require a reference book that covers the course. There are also many IT professionals who choose self-study as the most appropriate route toward certification.
This book can be used both as a preparation guide for those planning to take the ISTQB Expert Level certification exam and as a practical guide for experienced testing professionals who want to develop their skills in improving test processes.

This book covers the syllabus for the Improving the Test Process module of the International Software Testing Qualifications Board (ISTQB) Expert Level exam.
To obtain certification as a professional tester at the Expert Level, candidates may choose to take a course given by an ISTQB accredited training provider and then sit for the exam. Experience shows that many candidates who choose this path still require a reference book that covers the course. There are also many IT professionals who choose self-study as the most appropriate route toward certification.
This book can be used both as a preparation guide for those planning to take the ISTQB Expert Level certification exam and as a practical guide for experienced testing professionals who want to develop their skills in improving test processes.
The Pragmatic Bookshelf: Build Awesome Command-Line Applications in Ruby 2
Build Awesome Command-Line Applications in Ruby 2: 
Speak directly to your system. With itssimple commands, flags, and parameters, a well-formed command-lineapplication is the quickest way to automate a backup, a build, or adeployment and simplify your life. With this book, you'll learnspecific ways to write command-line applications that are easy touse, deploy, and maintain, using a set of clear best practices andthe Ruby programming language. This book is designed to makeany programmer or system administrator moreproductive in their job. Now updated for Ruby2.

Speak directly to your system. With itssimple commands, flags, and parameters, a well-formed command-lineapplication is the quickest way to automate a backup, a build, or adeployment and simplify your life. With this book, you'll learnspecific ways to write command-line applications that are easy touse, deploy, and maintain, using a set of clear best practices andthe Ruby programming language. This book is designed to makeany programmer or system administrator moreproductive in their job. Now updated for Ruby2.
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