Tuesday, May 11, 2010

postbank.de and JasperReports

When I drew my current account statement today, I was curious and applied the "pdfinfo" command on it. I was quite astonished, when it said this:
Creator: JasperReports (kontoauszug)
Producer: iText 1.4 (by lowagie.com)
I went back to their first PDF statements in 2006, and they said just the same.
Of course I would like to get in touch with them and find out, whether the knowledge, that I acquired recently in that area, could be of any use.
Yes, of course, there is no obvious current need for them to change anything regarding these account statements, but ...
Postbank has alway only been providing non-business customers with PDF account statements.
And they have been promising for years now, they wouldn't keep neglecting business customers forever ;-)
I guess that has to do with extended legal needs, e.g. signed PDF and so forth.

Right, I shouldn't forget mentioning this:
During the last couple of months I extended demo/samples/text/TextApp.java so that I can call all the necessary steps (JRXML->.jasper, filling into a .jrprint file, creating e.g. PDF) within a single call to this utility. You can now also pass JRXML parameters to this utility.
So using that simple utility you can create PDF reports in a batch run, starting from a JRXML or ".jasper" file and a database connection without any big software around -- just the JARs, that this utility needs.

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