Friday, August 31, 2012

upgrading my ASUS portable PC to openSUSE-12.1

During the installation (on system "a") itself the only problem I faced was, that fetchmsttfonts had to get skipped.

My grub bootloader problem:

The first relevant problem then: grub does not boot the system, complaining like this:
kernel …
Error 22: No such partition
Press any key to continue…
How to recover?

I searched the web for "Error 22: No such partition", and I recognised, that grub enumerates the internal disks somehow inconsistently not quite, as you expect it. 

You can change bootloader details ad hoc within the bootloader – but if you want to get details changed in an enduring way, you have to change the config file /boot/grub/menu.lst.

The grub bootloader has a notation of (HARD_DISK,PARTITION)FILE_WITH_PATH, and it supports file name completion. So change the HARD_DISK, shorten the FILE_WITH_PATH a little, and get it completed. If it does get completed, than obviously it exists, otherwise change your HARD_DISK number, try again!

If you want to change the config file: boot into the Rescue System, mount the boot disk on /mnt (e.g.), and edit /mnt/boot/grub/menu.lst on the boot disk.

Update 2012-09-14:
Actually the hard disk numbering is determined by the order within .../boot/grub/ ; I suggest you change the order there and you use a meaningful numbering within .../boot/grub/menu.lst .

My X11 problem:
/var/log/xorg... mentioned, it loaded /etc/X11/xorg.conf and also config files from /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/ . I removed /etc/X11/xorg.conf and everything was fine.

Power management:
Letting the system sleep and esp. awake again still does not work.
Hibernation …

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