Sunday, June 13, 2010

prepped up my 1st contribution to CPAN

Now I am waiting for my PAUSE ID on CPAN. My first script to contribute is named, a utility, that tries to handle XLS files a little like TAR treats its archives.

Update / 2010-06-13 14:00:
Got my account on PAUSE resp. CPAN acknowledged ("johayek"), so my home directory there is
Uploaded xls-tar.tar, now waiting for it to show up.
Do scripts (as opposed to modules) get listed within a user's directory?

Update / 2010-06-13 14:25:
xls-tar_1_32 first showed up on (actually as $CPAN/authors/id/J/JO/JOHAYEK/ . Sooooo … – now I am quite proud.
More scripts to appear occasionally …
Yes, now I expect getting tarred and fathered  – pls have mercy!!!


acid2 said...

Hi, I think scripts only show up if they have some POD documentation. If that doesn't do it, they might need to be part of an actual distribution (Dist::Zilla to the rescue for that!).

You'll probably need a place holder lib/ file which doesn't have anything except declare a package and have a $VERSION number

JH said...

My script certainly has POD inside.

Thanks for your advice, but that sounds, as if the "script only" handling on PAUSE resp. CPAN is a little messy. And that's really a pity and not quite encouraging. Maybe the folks in charge at PAUSE give it a try to get rid of that bug.

Anonymous said...

The folks in charge do not read your blog. The contact information is at

Before uploading, you should receive advice and critique from and

Anonymous said...

I think a better way to upload scripts is what was done with ack:
Though I think I would have packaged it as App::Ack to be a file called app-ack-...tar.gz

Nilson Santos F. Jr. said...

You could try to wrap the script's funtionality in an App::XLSTar module (which I believe is the current recommended best practice anyway).

Ideally, CPAN should be able to handle a simple script just fine. However, this sounds like a reasonable compromise to me.