Thursday, October 6, 2011

the Android Contacts app on my Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 is operational again

It had blown up immediately after starting it for a couple of weeks right now, and I was quite a little desperate about it, but then I was also too lazy investigating the case, because I was busy with other things.
Today I was ready to look into it, and search the web for it, or to describe the case in the right mailing list or where ever.
But before doing that, I tried this and that on the tablet. Went into Settings > Applications > Manage applications > All > Contacts.
I just clicked on "Force stop" and then "Clear data", started the app again, and everything was fine.
Why didn't I try that before? I wasn't confident enough with Android and this Samsung tablet. I got some literature, but I don't manage to read it. Too many important issues.

Actually the Contacts / Contacts Storage app on my Samsung Galaxy SII smart-phone got corrupted the same way. I applied the same procedure as above, and I can properly work with my address book there as well again. Relief!

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