Tuesday, October 12, 2010

my blogs, Facebook, Twitter, "NetworkedBlogs"

Most things I write and that I want to share, I usually write and publish on one of my blogs.
But I like to see them on my Facebook wall, in my Twitter stream, and also in my Buzz stream as well.

NetworkedBlogs.com offer a Facebook application, that picks up the (new) articles on my blogs and creates resp. entries on my Facebook wall and also on my Twitter stream.

Now the tweets, they generate also appear on my Facebook wall. That is a little annyoing. And I don't know, how to stop this. Is it NetworkedBlogs.com, that pulls my Twitter stream onto my Facebook wall, is it Facebook itself. For sure, it's me, who configured that somewhere at some stage in the past. But as I said: I don't know, how to stop this.

It's pretty similar on my Buzz stream, but that's not directly because of NetworkedBlogs.com. I want to have my blogs articles included there and also my tweets. But then most tweets got created from blog articles. It's rather rare, that I write a tweet manually. I got my Buzz stream to include my blogs and also my Twitter stream. That is easy to handle.

Sometimes I remove duplicate Facebook wall and Buzz entries, but not very often.

I am a software developer, that's true, but so far I have been a little lazy, and I did not create an application myself, that would smartly derive Facebook wall and Buzz entries and also tweets, avoiding redundancy. I am sure my readers get pretty annoyed by that redundancy. It's simply, that I have no time to fight this redundancy. This is rather sad.

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