Thursday, July 8, 2010

Task::Kensho – "A Glimpse at an Enlightened Perl"

See its manual page at CPAN!
  • The installations with/for my self-brewn perl-5.12.1 on openSUSE-11.2 as well as on OS X Snow Leopard have a problem with Task::Kensho's TryCatch, I skip that, and all the remainder seems to be fine.
  • The installation with/for my self-brewn perl-5.10.1 on openSUSE-11.2 runs straight through.
  • The installation with/for the "native" perl-5.10.0 on my openSUSE-11.2 runs straight through.


Anonymous said...

I believe TryCatch is still a problem on 5.12.1 and I'm not sure the status or solution. Feel free to join in the bug hunt!

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I guess I'm not so enlightened, I have a few problems with that distribution.

They include ::Tiny versions of slow/large modules like DateTime, but do not include Mouse, the faster, less memory hungry Moose substitute (but they do include ALL of Moose);
They include heavyweight, overengineered POE, but not lighter, more sane event loops like AnyEvent or IO::Async (the former can co-exist in the same script with POE, or even IO::Async, Tk, Glib, Event or EV). They also do not include Coro, a mdoule that provides co-routines in Perl;
They include Catalyst, a fairly heavy web framework, but there is no sign of Plack/PSGI or one of the modern microframeworks like Dancer or Mojolicious.